Community Resource Network

The Community resource Network (CRN) is a free online tool for organizations to share resources and/or unmet needs.


How you might use the CRN:

  • Share resources (goods and/or services). Example: Your organization has an excess of school supplies that you would like to share with other agencies. CRN members would respond directly to you regarding the resources you would like to share.
  • Seek resources for unmet needs. Example: you are working with a client who needs beds for their children. CRN members would respond directly to you to fulfill the unmet need.
  • Share information on upcoming services oriented event. Example: your agency is offering an event to assist individuals in signing up for the Oregon Health Plan. CRN members would share information about your event.

If you have questions or issues

getting signed up, please contact:

Desiree Sumpter at: (503) 363-1651


send an email to: